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hi-im-evab edited this page Oct 27, 2018 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the QR-Alarm-Clock wiki, ya wanks!


Project Specific Stuff


  • MainAlarmsActivity: Where all the alarms get displayed. This is the homepage.
  • AlarmSettingsActivity: Where alarm's settings are set.
  • Each activity has a Java file with the names above, and an .xml file in underscore case. The .xml is layout stuff. For example, MainAlarmsActivity has the Java code and adds functionality. activity_main_alarms.xml has all the layout stuff and handles how things get displayed.

Views? (kinda like Activity, but smaller. Like an object or a module or smth)

  • view_alarm: Layout stuff for single alarm. This gets used by RecyclerView to make multiple alarms.

Other Java Stuff

  • Alarm: just a simple Alarm object
  • AlarmAdapter: used in RecyclerView. I don't really get it; Sam Stutsman helped me with it. Here's the official docs for it

Terms for stuff

  • Cards: what I'm calling the alarms on the main screen. These are made using CardView, so I'm calling em cards.

Android Stuff

  • Activity: A full page. MainAlarms and AlarmSettings are Activities.
  • Fragment: We don't use these yet. Basically small Activities. You can have multiple Fragments in one Activity to serve multiple different parts of a UI. We probably won't have to use these, so if you see em, probably safe to ignore em.
  • Gradle: thing wot keeps track of all the libraries and such you have installed. If Android Studio is yelling at you, it's probably cuz you're missing a Gradle library.
  • RecyclerView: What I'm using to automatically display multiple alarms.