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Styles to be used on Nuxeo websites

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Nuxeo Website Components

Please use EditorConfig plugin for your code editor/IDE.

Using the package

Include with npm

Add the following in your package.json:

"dependencies": {
    "nuxeo-website-styles": "nuxeo/website-styles#v1.0.1",

SCSS components

Add path to SCSS compiler

In compiling the SCSS you need to include the path --load-path ./node_modules/nuxeo-website-styles/scss/ e.g. npm scripts

"build_css": "sass --embed-sources --load-path client/scss/ --load-path node_modules/nuxeo-website-styles/scss/ --style compressed client/scss/:client/css/"

Include styles

In SCSS import and include the appropriate styles:

@import 'nuxeo_styles';

@include 'nuxeo-base-styles';
@include 'nuxeo-typography';


<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

or for all weights

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

Available mixins

Mixin name Description
nuxeo-base Base styles required
nuxeo-typography Standard typography styles
nuxeo-codeblock Codeblock with HighlightJS styling and copy button

Svelte Web Components

In the header of your page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script async src=""></script>


<nx-header name="Roadmap" homelabel="Roadmap Home"></nx-header> Inserts the standard header.

insert <nx-header--menu-item href="/URL">Link Text</nx-header--menu-item> within <nx-header> to include extra links.


<nx-footer></nx-footer> will insert the standard Nuxeo footer


  • year: Manually set the year
  • showlicense: Adds a creative commons license and link
  • nolinks: Removes the main links section

Hyland Heritage Logo component

In the header of your page:

<script async src=""></script>

Where the component logos should be located in the HTML:

<hyland-logo-heritage>[YOUR HERITAGE LOGO HERE]</hyland-logo-heritage>

Example usage with logo:


Optional attributes for hyland-logo-heritage:

  • hylandlang: The locale for the Hyland website ( [Default="en"] e.g. hylandlang="de" points to
  • name: Only necessary when an inline SVG is used as the logo. e.g. name="Nuxeo"
  • homepath: Override the heritage logo URL location. [Default="/"] e.g. homepath=""

Development (Local)


To install on mac:

  • install homebrew (
  • run brew update
  • use brew to install (or use upgrade if you have already some installed):
brew install git nodejs libsass


Clone the repository to your local machine, using your favourite Git client or the command line:

git clone
cd website-styles

Run Locally

npm run dev

Change browser

The broswer defaults to chromium-browser but can be changed with the following command and then locally as usual.

npm config set Nuxeo-website:browser firefox

Marketplace Styling

Create a symlink within this repo to your instance. E.g.

ln -s /my/marketplace/connect/nuxeo-connect-marketplace/src/main/resources/skin/resources/css ./nos-marketplace-css


npm run marketplace:dev


Please keep the available mixins table and available elements table up to date if you add or amend mixins and/or elements.

Releasing changes

This module is used via npm, please bump the version when changes are made.

Node packages follow Semantic Versioning (SemVer), versions a described by a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH version.

After you've committed your code, run one of the following:

npm version major # incompatible API changes
npm version minor # add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
npm version patch # backwards-compatible bug fixes

Then push the version commit and the tags:

git push && git push --tags