This is a simple webinterface for libvirt.
It is not really well designed, just hacked together. I wanted to build an alternative to virt-manager to install some machines.
Current Features:
- List Machines (With live preview-image and name)
- Basic control over machines (keyboard-only, without VNC or JAVA or anything, just pure screenshot/base64/json/ajax magic.)
- "Auto-Type" of text (put it in a box, press send, it will do checks if it can send those characters and do so, useful for urls and stuff)
- Turn machines on or off
- Change name, max. memory and number of vcpus of machines
- Mount/Unmount ISO-Images
Planned Features:
- Show host statistics (Used memory, Free disk space, ...)
- Basic Statistics (If possible, depends on the libvirt Python-API)
- Create new virtual machines (install from ISO or preseed file/textbox, maybe with templates)
- Manage storage (Create/Remove/Attach/Dettach Disks)
Known Bugs:
- There is no authentication. There probably never will be. This was intended to be used over an SSH tunnel on a machine with no other users.
- Keyboard input is incomplete (keymapping issues...), slow (i don't really know why... it shouldn't be.) and kinda buggy (double key-presses, only on "manual" control, libvirt-api has no way to send single keyup or -down events just -presses, would need some client-side "debouncing")