- 🌱 I’m currently learning Jetpack Compose and iOS app development using Swift.
- 👯 I'm looking to collaborate on the Android Project.
- 💬 Talk to me about Android, Kotlin, Java, React JS, MLAI, and books.
🎁 Projects | ⭐ Stars | 📚 Forks | 🛎 Issues | 🏷️ Stack |
Furtastic-MVI | multi module, MVI, jetpack-compose, coroutine, flow, , koin, ktor, sqldelight, gradle version-catalog | |||
GithubRepoApp | MVVM, hilt, retrofit, livedata, unit-testing | |||
AndroidAnimationInterpolator | animation, interpolator | |||
Handwritten-digits-recognition-keras | keras, numpy, sklearn, pandas, scipy |