I'm currently working at The Qt Company as a Team Lead for the QtCore and Qt for Python projects, luckily for me, I'm still actively helping in the development of the Qt for Python project, you can check my contributions here.
On my spare time, I love to participate in community events 🎉 and
activities related to Open Source, Python 🐍, and C++ around the Berlin
area, but also online, from where I have been helping with the organization
of Python Chile 🇨🇱,
Python Spain 🇪🇸,
and a global community called Python en Español . Did you know we are constantly translating the official Python 🐍 Documentation to Spanish?
Something else I enjoy is to help organizing and attending conferences: I had the pleasure to help organizing the first PyCon Chile, a couple PyCon Spain, and PyCon US, where I'm one of the co-chair of the Spanish speaking track in the conference. Check my conferences talks here!
Here you will also find some stuff related to my doctoral studies :mortar_board:, like one of my main achievements, GraviDy! which is an N- body system integrator ⭐ using different CPU and GPU parallelism techniques, and helper scripts that were used for this really cool Black Hole Binaries in accretion discs simulations ⚫ 🌀.