A small application with a React front-end talking to a Tonic back-end through the grpc-web protocol.
The widgets in the React app synchronize their state through a grpc-web stream. For example, a 'create' action does not return the created item. Rather, the method handler 'emits' an event that is sent to all subscribers. It is easier to see this by opening another browser tab.
It is probably not a good idea to use a long-lived stream like this in a production application though.
cd server
cargo run
The client is a vanilla React application, generated with create-react-app, so you'll need node and npm
or yarn
cd client
yarn start
If the tonic server is configured to use TLS, there is no need to accept HTTP/1.1 connections. Stop the tonic server and the React app, then start them again:
cd server && cargo run -- --use_tls
cd client && REACT_APP_BACKEND_SCHEME=https yarn start
If you inspect the network tab, you'll see the OPTIONS and POST requests to the tonic server will use the h2 protocol.
The server uses a self signed certificate, so your browser may refuse to connect. You can either bypass the browser warning if prompted, or create your own certificates with mkcert, for example.
cd server/data
mkcert -install
mkcert localhost
This will create a local CA your browser will trust.