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Network scanning tool designed to detect and report changes in open ports and services over time


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DeltaScan is an advanced port scanning tool designed to detect and report changes in open ports and services over time. It offers scan results manipulation functionalities like export, import, differential check between scans and an interactive shell.

View scan results

Use screenshot

View diff results

Use screenshot

Installation (only dev version, no pip package published)

Install withpoetry

poetry install # globally
# or
poetry build # for current user

Set alias in .zshrc or .bashrc to run dscan with sudo

alias ssdo="sudo -E env PATH=\${PATH} "


poetry shell
dscan -h
ssdo dscan -t <IP> -c <config_file> -p <Profile>
# or
ssdo poetry run dscan -t <IP> -c <config_file> -p <Profile>

To reactivate the env shell:

source $(poetry env info --path)/bin/activate

For quick run after changes instead of re-building youcan run

ssdo poetry run python3 -t <IP> -c <config_file> -p <Profile>

In the future DeltaScan will be published on pip repository


usage: deltascan [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-d DIFF_FILES] [--single] [--template TEMPLATE] [-i IMPORT_FILE] [-p PROFILE] [-c CONF_FILE] [-s] [--n-scans N_SCANS] [--n-diffs N_DIFFS] [--from-date FROM_DATE]
                 [--to-date TO_DATE] [--port-type PORT_TYPE] [-t HOST] [-it] [-db DB_PATH]

A package for scanning deltas

positional arguments:
                        the command to run

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output file
  -d DIFF_FILES, --diff-files DIFF_FILES
                        comma separated files to find their differences (xml)
  --single              if flag exists, it exports scans as single entries
  --template TEMPLATE   the html template file to generate .html and .pdf reports
                        import file (csv, xml). Csv must be generated by deltascan and XML must be generated by nmap
  -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        select scanning profile that exists in config file or already in database
  -c CONF_FILE, --conf-file CONF_FILE
                        path to configuration file
  -v, --verbose         verbose output
  --n-scans N_SCANS     limit of scans databse queries. It is applied in scans view as well as scans diff
  --n-diffs N_DIFFS     limit of the diff results
  --from-date FROM_DATE
                        date of oldest scan to compare. eg: '2024-05-30 10:00:00' or '2024-05-30'
  --to-date TO_DATE     date of newest scan to compare. eg: '2024-06-30 10:00:00' or '2024-06-30'
  --port-type PORT_TYPE
                        Type of port status (open,filter,closed,all)
  -t HOST, --target HOST
                        select target host/subnet to scan
  -it, --interactive    execute action and go in interactive mode
  -db DB_PATH, --db-path DB_PATH
                        set the sqlite database path

pdf reporting.

For generating pdf reports we use pdfkit library. In order for it to work you need to install wkhtmltopdf.

sudo apt-get install wkhtmltopdf


example_dscan_results_for_html_template.json is the schema of the dict that is stored in the database and exposed to be used inside your custom html template (see core/templates). Hence, these are the Nmap fields that are stored at the moment. More Nmap results are going to be added in future releases.


Run tests

pipenv run pytest



The configuration file contains a list of profiles (profile name and its arguments). Users can add new profiles in the config.yaml.

        arguments: "-sS -n -Pn -vv --top-ports 1000 --reason --open"
        arguments: "-sS -n -Pn -vv -p- --reason --open"
        arguments: "-sU -n -Pn -vv --top-ports 1000 --reason --open"

Scan hosts or subnets like nmap. Flag -p is the profile selection, where you can select a profile available from the given -c config.yaml or existing in the database. A given profile, given in the config file, is stored in the database and then used from there. Scanning uses a target host, a configuration file, and a profile.

sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan scan -c config.yaml -p MY_PROFILE -t
sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan scan -c config.yaml -p MY_PROFILE -t
sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan scan -c config.yaml -p MY_PROFILE -t -o export.<csv|pdf|html>

# The -s bool flag exports each scan in a separate file
sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan scan -c config.yaml -p MY_PROFILE -t -s

# The below command uses a custom template file (it has to be an .html file)
sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan scan -c config.yaml -p MY_PROFILE -t --template your_template.html

Listing the differences between scans is the next key feature. By providing a host and a profile, you can list all the differences that have occurred for the specific host and profile in the given time period specified by --from-date and --to-date. The scan comparison happens between every consecutive scan pair and is added to the diff list only if at least one added, changed, or removed key is found. 

sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan diff -c config.yaml -p MY_PROFILE --from-date "2024-01-01 10:00:00" --to-date "2024-01-02 10:00:00" -t
sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan diff -c config.yaml -p MY_PROFILE --from-date "2024-01-01 10:00:00" --to-date "2024-01-02 10:00:00" -t
sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan diff -c config.yaml -p MY_PROFILE --from-date "2024-01-01 10:00:00" --to-date "2024-01-02 10:00:00" -t -o export.<csv|pdf|html>

# The "--n-scans 20 --n-diffs -2" means "from below command mean from the last 20 scans show the latest differences"
sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan diff -c config.yaml -p MY_PROFILE --from-date "2024-01-01 10:00:00" --to-date "2024-01-02 10:00:00" --n-scans 20 --n-diffs -2 -t

# The below command uses a custom template file (it has to be an .html file)
sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan diff -c config.yaml -p MY_PROFILE --from-date "2024-01-01 10:00:00" --to-date "2024-01-02 10:00:00" --n-scans 20 --n-diffs -2 -t --template your_template.html

Diff raw, nmap, comma separated files and dump them in json file:

sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan  diff --diff-files tcp_services_10.10.10.1.xml,tcp_services_10.10.10.2.xml -o dump.json

Listing scan results is a simple query to the deltascan database. The query takes into account the given parameters (host, profile, --from-date, --to-date, --port-type)

sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan view -c config.yaml -p MY_PROFILE --from-date "2024-01-01 10:00:00" --to-date "2024-01-02 10:00:00" -t
sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan view -c config.yaml -p MY_PROFILE --from-date "2024-01-01 10:00:00" --to-date "2024-01-02 10:00:00" -t
sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan view -c config.yaml -p MY_PROFILE --from-date "2024-01-01 10:00:00" --to-date "2024-01-02 10:00:00" -t -o export.<csv|pdf|html>

# The below command brings only the open ports from the defined scans
sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan view -c config.yaml -p MY_PROFILE --from-date "2024-01-01 10:00:00" --to-date "2024-01-02 10:00:00" --port-type open -t

Importing nmap, raw, scan results.

sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan import -i raw_nmap_results.xml

Importing DeltaScan results from .csv file (probably from another DeltaScan database).

sudo -E env PATH=${PATH} deltascan import -i previous_exports.csv

Exporting the results of the operation requires just the flag -o or --output with a file name and an extension of pdf, html or csv. The csv results are the only output format (at the moment) that exports the whole, raw scan results and can be used to import the scans in another DeltaScan database.

html: Html reports are generated from the given template. The default templates are in deltascan/core/templates. There are two different template types, one for scan results and one for diff results. Custom templates can be provided using the flag --template <name_of_template_file>. The fields that DeltaScan exposes to be used inside the custom template, are shown in example_dscan_results_for_html_template.json for scan results and example_diff_results_for_html_templayte.json for diff results. To add fields in your custom template, use Jinja syntax.

pdf: Pdf reports are actually the html report converted to pdf, so html details are also applied here.

csv: Csv reports are actually database dumps. Database fields are exported as they are. The main use of a csv export is to use it as an import file to another DeltaScan database or (using a custom parser) to load it to another tool/application.

Interactive shell options:
deltascan>: ?                                # Display help
    Documented commands (type help <topic>):
    clear  diff        exit  imp       q     report  view
    conf   diff_files  help  profiles  quit  scan
    Interactive shell:
deltascan>: conf                             # Display current configuration
    output_file:         out_file.html
    template_file:       None
    import_file:         None
    diff_files:          None
    n_scans:             1
    n_diffs:             1
    From date [fdate]:   None
    To date [tdate]:     None
    verbose:             True
    profile:             None
deltascan>: conf verbose=true               # Modify configuration value
deltascan>: view                            # View result based on current configuration parameters
    # ... Results ...
deltascan>: diff 1,2                        # Difference between previous view results (always use verbose=False to find diff indexes)
deltascan>: imp nmap_dump_file.  # Import nmap dump file
deltascan>: imp nmap_dump_file.  # Import deltascan csv exported file
deltascan>: report                          # Report last results (must set an output_file before with: conf output_file=filename.(html|pdf|csv))
deltascan>: diff_files d1.xml,d2.xml        # Differences between two nmap dump files
deltascan>: profiles                        # List profiles in database
deltascan>: scan PROFILE            # Scan with IP and profile


Run mkdocs server:

pipenv run mkdocs serve


Network scanning tool designed to detect and report changes in open ports and services over time








No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3
