You are a hoarder. But not just any hoarder. You are an arrogant hoarder who wants to show off all of the stuff you hoard. You want an application that gives you a list of anything possible to hoard, and add them to your own personal collection as you acquire them.
Use this JSON file to seed your "items" collection in Firebase.
- As a user, if I go to the application and I am not logged in, I should see a google authentication button.
- As a user, I should be able to authenticate via google.
- As a user, I should always see a navbar.
- As a user, when I am logged out, the navbar should only display the brand name.
- As a user, when I am logged in, the navbar should display links to home, My Stuff, New, and logout.
- As a user, when I click the logout button in the navbar I should be logged out and should see the google authentication button.
- As a user if I click the home link in the navbar, I should navigate to '/home' and see an h1 tag that says 'Home'.
- As a user if I click the New link in the navbar, I should navigate to '/new' and see an h1 tag that says 'New Stuff'.
- As a user if I click the My Stuff link in the navbar, I should navigate to '/stuff' and see an h1 tag that says 'My Stuff' and two buttons - on that says Edit and one that says Single.
- As a user when I click the Edit button on the My Stuff page I should be redirect to '/edit/12345' and I should see an h1 tag that says 'Edit';
- As a user when I click the Single button on the My Stuff page I should be redirect to '/stuff/12345' and I should see an h1 tag that says 'Single Stuff';
- As a user, when I click New in the navbar I should be taken to the '/stuff/new' page where I should see a form for adding new items.
- As a user, when I add in details and hit save on the '/stuff/new' page my item should save to firebase and I should be redirected to '/stuff'.
- As a user, when I navigate to the /stuff route, I should see a "My Stuff" page. This page should have a list of all of the items I have hoarded.
- As a user, when I click on an item on the My Item page, I should be taken to the Single Item page and see details for that item
- As a user, when I click a update button on the My Stuff page, I should be redirected to the edit page and should see a form pre-populated with all the information for the item I am editing. Once I make edits and push the save button, Firebase should edit and I should be redirected to the '/stuff' page.
- As a user, when I click a update button on the Single Item page, I should be redirected to the edit page and should see a form pre-populated with all the information for the item I am editing. Once I make edits and push the save button, Firebase should edit and I should be redirected to the '/stuff' page.
- As a user, when I click a delete button on the My Stuff page, the item should be removed from firebase and I should no longer see it.
- As a user, when I click a delete button on the Single Item page, the item should be removed from firebase and I should no longer see it, and I should be redirected to the My Stuff page.