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ON4JES esvservice


Müller Barnabás MBarni458
Computer Science student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Making computers do stuff
Tibor Tóth tibitoth
Software Architect, Technical Lead at @AutSoft & Executive Expert at @bmeaut


Zoltán Simon TheFlyingPiano99
I'm a computer engineering M.Sc. student. My main interests are computer graphics, physics simulations, and creating video games.


Andris Borbás AndrisBorbas
I'm exceptionally mediocre at nearly everything.

NeocoreGames Hungary

Máté Tallósi tallosim
Software Developer at BD Energy A/S

Aarhus, Denmark

Máté Gyöngyösi gy-mate
Python & Java developer, mapper and public transport activist.

P92 Digital Budapest, HU

Alex Csiszár csiszaralex
Computer Science Engineer student in University of Technology and Economics of Budapest

Budapest University of Technology and Economics Hungary

Bálint Berente berenteb
Computer Science student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Web Development enthusiast.

META-INF Hungary

Trisztán Piller triszt4n
Software Engineer MSc student at BUTE. Former president of Simonyi.


Sámuel Fekete Tschonti
I'm a Computer Science student from Hungary.

Munich, Germany