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Pushkar Dave rdlynx19
MS Robotics Student @ Northwestern

Northwestern University Chicago, IL

Christopher Sahadeo chris24sahadeo

@Virtana WI, Trinidad, Tacarigua

Maciej Aleksandrowicz macmacal
PhD Student | Robotics Software Engineer

AGH University of Krakow Kraków, Poland

jishnu ⚡ lonebots
programmer | roboticist


Mathias Mantelli mathiasmantelli
Robotics software developer

@sereact Stuttgart, Germany

Muhammad Labiyb Afakh labiybafakh
Robotic Researcher and Engineer

Tokyo Metropolitan University Tokyo

Nguyễn Đam Trường ndamtruong2k
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
Viraj Awate virajawate
Lets talk about Robotics, Machine Learning and Innovation in Automation. Juggling my life between C++ and Python. Mumbai, India, 400014