- emergency stop resets variable values -> DONE with ~reset.play
- no quant -> DONE
- what if anne replaces reserved vars by mistake?
- tdefs survive cmd . -> DONE with SkipJack
- scroll screen automatic
a sweep for clusters
reset all variables -> DONE
make toypiano sampler in SuperCollider -> DONE
the SC sampler shoots error now when i go ~down where the one note is below range. Do you like the way this looks? It just messed up the post script. Also, when I go too fast I get a lots of errors in post script... -> DONE
Now i've lost the bottom Ab. Can you read it so ~h10=0-1 will work. Thanks -> DONE
if setting variables to 0 (like h=0) then the ostinato stops. But if you try to then change it back to another number, the ostinato doesn't restart
When starting, have to execute Hello World command twice
Can you make me a version for Ghent where the right pedal just goes high or low when activated? They don't have a smooth pedal there -> DONE
Make new branch with out limiter on sampler speed -> DONE
@Anne: please put requests/issues from now on on Github's Issues Tab