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This document describes how livestreaming works in Web Chat.


Livestreaming is a popular technique to improve user experience (UX) for bots/copilots that use large-language models (LLM) to generate response.

Web Chat added livestreaming support since version 4.17.0.



Also known as: streaming response.

Livestreaming means progressively sending an activity. It is usually progressively concatenating until the full response is made.

Livestreaming is one-off and should not be replayed.

A livestream

Also known as: livestreaming session.

A single bot, at its turn, can livestream multiple activities simultaneously each with their own content. Each livestream will be isolated by their own session ID.

The session ID is same as the activity ID of the first activity in the livestream.

Interim activities

Also known as: chunk.

Interim activities are the activities of the partial response from the bot. Its content often become part of the final/complete response.

Informative message

Also known as: latency loader.

Informative message is a side-channel message that will be shown to the user and is intended to describes how the bot is preparing the livestream. A typical example of an informative message is "Searching your document library..."

For better UX, the informative message should be a prepared message with very low latency. It should not be generated via LLMs.

Ephemeral message

Also known as: temporary message.

Ephemeral message means the content should only be available for a limited time and should not be considered final. Interim activities are naturally ephemeral message.

Bot vs. copilot

This is not an official statement from Microsoft.

In Web Chat, bot is the general terms for chatbot. Copilot is a bot with generative AI and modern features. In other words, copilot is a modern bot.

To simplify this documentation, we are using the term "bot" instead of "copilot". But they can be used interchangeably in this documentation.

Bot implementation

Bot developers would need to implement the livestreaming as outlined in this section. The implementation below will enable livestreaming to both Azure Bot Services and Teams.

Scenario 1: Livestream from start to end

In this example, we assume the bot is livestreaming the following sentence to the user:

"A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs."

First, start a proactive messaging session. Although not required, proactive messaging is highly recommended to prevent client timeouts.

Then, send the following activity to start the livestream.

   "channelData": {
      "streamSequence": 1,
      "streamType": "streaming"
   "text": "A quick",
   "type": "typing"


  • text field is required but can be an empty string
    • In this example, the bot is sending "A quick" as its being prepared by LLMs
  • type field must be typing

After sending the activity, the bot must wait until the service will return the activity ID. This will be the session ID of the livestream.

In this example, we assume the service return activity ID of "a-00001" for the first activity.

Subsequently, send the following interim activity.

   "channelData": {
      "streamId": "a-00001",
      "streamSequence": 2,
      "streamType": "streaming"
   "text": "A quick brown fox",
   "type": "typing"


  • channelData.streamId field is the session ID, i.e. the activity ID of the first activity
    • In this example, the first activity ID is assumed "a-00001"
    • The session ID must be unique within the conversation
  • channelData.streamSequence field should be incremented by 1 for every activity sent in the livestream
  • text field should contains partial content from past interim activities
    • text field in latter interim activities will replace text field in former interim activities
    • Bot can use this capability to backtrack or erase response

Bots can send as much interim activities as it needs.

To conclude the livestream, send the following activity.

   "channelData": {
      "streamId": "a-00001",
      "streamType": "final"
   "text": "A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.",
   "type": "message"


  • channelData.streamType field is final
  • channelData.streamSequence field should not be present, and assumed Infinity
  • text field should contains the complete message
  • type field must be message
  • After the livestream has concluded, future activities for the livestream will be ignored
  • This must not be the first activity in the livestream
  • For best compatibility, do not send attachments or anything other than the text field

Scenario 2: With informative message

To send an informative message, send the following activity.

   "channelData": {
      "streamId": "a-00001",
      "streamSequence": 2,
      "streamType": "informative"
   "text": "Searching your document library...",
   "type": "typing"


  • channelData.streamType field is informative
  • text field should describes how the bot is preparing the livestream
  • type field must be typing
  • The activity can be send as the first activity or interleaved with other interim activities
    • Some clients may not show informative messages while interleaved with other interim activities
    • For best compatibility, send informative messages before any other interim activities
  • Latter informative messages will replace former informative messages


End-to-end support of livestreaming relies on the following components:

Bot code support

You can use Microsoft Copilot Studio to build low-code copilot with livestreaming support.

If you already have a Bot Framework bot, most existing Bot SDK versions support livestreaming. You will need to update the bot to livestream activities through the implementation described in this document.

Channel support

Channel support depends on the following factors:

  • Channel must support typing activity
  • Channel must return activity ID of the sent activity
  • Proactive messaging is optional but highly recommended
    • Enabling proactive messaging will prevent client timeouts which may occur while the bot is generating the response

Known channels which supports livestreaming:

  • Direct Line (Web Socket)
  • Teams

Known channels which does not support livestreaming:

  • Direct Line (REST): ignores typing activity
  • Direct Line ASE: does not return activity ID
  • Direct Line Speech: does not return activity ID
  • Email: ignores typing activity
  • SMS: ignores typing activity

Client support

Web Chat introduced livestreaming support since version 4.17.0. More livestreaming features are being added to Web Chat. Please read our for complete version history.

Design decisions

Out-of-order messages


  • Assumption: interim activities can be sent as frequently as every 10 ms (100 Hz)
  • ABS is a distributed system and may receive bot activity in an out-of-order fashion
    • Every interim activities could send to a different HTTP endpoints
    • In a distributed environment, the time receiving the HTTP request could differs


  • channelData.streamSequence will be used to identify obsoleted (outdated) activities
  • Once the livestream has concluded, all future activities should be ignored

Packet loss or join after livestream started


  • Client may join the conversation after livestream started
  • Some services may drop typing activities as it has a lower quality-of-service (QoS) priority


  • Content in interim activities should be overlapping
    • Former interim activities will be obsoleted by latter interim activities
    • The latest round of interim activities is sufficient to catchup the livestream
  • Side benefits: bot can backtrack and erase response

Bottomline: we understand the bandwidth usage could be large. But the benefits outweighted the shortcomings. Transports are free to implement their own mechanisms to save bandwidth.

Channel and transport support


  • Reduce/eliminate the need to update existing channel/transport/service
    • 3P channel devs may have existing channel adapter that could be impacted by livestreaming
  • Resource-heavy channels should not handle livestream
    • Livestream should be ignored by SMS channel and Direct Line (REST) channel
  • Unsupported channels should ignore livestream


  • Typing activity is being used to send interim activities
    • According to Direct Line specification: "Typing activities represent ongoing input from a user or a bot."
    • We are leveraging existing typing activity to send interims, channel/transport/service would not need an update
  • Typing activity is naturally ignored by SMS, email, and other plain text channels
  • Direct Line (REST) is a resource-heavy channel and livestreaming should be ignored
    • Typing activity is naturally ignored by Direct Line (REST) channel to save resources
  • Final activity in the livestream is sent as a normal message activity
    • Channels that does not support livestreaming will be able to handle the final activity
  • Side benefits: bot do not need a major update to use the livestreaming feature

Guaranteed start of livestream


  • Some services requires a very clear signal to start a livestream
  • Out-of-order delivery could affect this start of livestream signal


  • Bot would need to wait until the service replies with an activity ID
    • The response from the service is a clear signal that the service has created a livestream
  • Side benefits: the activity ID is an opaque string and can be used as the session ID

Storing of interim activities


  • Some services may need to store every interim activities being sent
    • Service implementation which concatenate interim activities in an out-of-order fashion could be very complex


  • Interim activities will send overlapping content
    • Services would not need to concatenate content itself

No replay


  • Restoring chat history should not replay the livestreaming
    • The final activity should be displayed instantly, interim activities should be skipped


  • Typing activity for all activities during a livestream
    • Direct Line channel saves chat history without typing activities

Text format change


  • Text format could change during interim activities
    • This could cause layout to change rapidly and degrade UX


  • Text format is assumed to be Markdown during the livestream

Adding attachments during livestream


  • Some clients may have difficulties handling attachments during livestream


  • As of this writing, no consensus has been reached on this issue
    • "We don't want to show file attachments in interim activities."
  • In the meanwhile, we are issuing best practices and discourage sending attachments in interim activities
    • Bot should only send attachments in final activity