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- [September 2023] The SAP Internet Research project goes under a complete update and is now called the SAP Attack Surface Discovery
- [September 2023] The OWASP CBAS Roadmap is created to provide a clear view and direction of the different improvements and security areas that will be covered
- [August 2023] The OWASP SAPKiln project, lead by Alex Devassy, is added under the umbrella of the OWASP CBAS
- [August 2023] Alex Devassy joins the OWASP CBAS team
- [July 2023] Julian Petersohn contributes and takes lead on the SAP Internet Research project
- [July 2023] Julian Petersohn joins the OWASP CBAS team
- [October 2022] SecureAuth's Innovation Labs donates the HoneySAP and Pysap projects to the OWASP CBAS
- [October 2022] Martin Gallo joins the leadership team
- [September 2020] Joris Van De Vis (@jvis) donates the SAP Internet Research project to the OWASP CBAS
- [June 2020] NO MONKEY donates the SAP Security Matrix to the OWASP CBAS
- [June 2020] OWASP CBAS created by Waseem Ajrab and Marco Hammel to provide a central location to address areas for SAP security